Home Sesiones - Dialogos por derechos Interculturality and pathways to inclusion of migrants and refugees within the framework of common values and standards of the European Union

Interculturality and pathways to inclusion of migrants and refugees within the framework of common values and standards of the European Union

Victorino Mayoral (Presented and moderated )

President of the Spanish League of Education and Popular Culture and of Cives Foundation.

Sonia Ortega

Lecturer at the University of Valladolid

Jesús Fernández Huertas

Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid

Carlos Giménez

Director of the DEMOS-PAZ Institute

Francisco José Armenta Menéndez

Director General for Migration Social Action of the JCCM

Sreten Koceski

Director of Community Development Institute (CDI) and member of Solidar




15:30 - 17:00


Paraninfo. Palacio Lorenzana UCLM